вторник, 7 июля 2015 г.

(PR) PNY Announces DUO-Link Flash Drive with iOS Support

PNY Technologies Inc. ("PNY") world renowned manufacturer of USB and Memory products has officially announced the DUO-Link M for the lightning equipped iOS devices. With the DUO-Link, one can transfer digital files at one's own comfort without connecting with computer and i-tune. Simply plug the DUO-Link M to iPhone, ipad, Mac or PC and enjoy quickly, easy transfer of files, to expand your device's storage capacity. With the DUO-Link M, one can also directly access data on an external storage device and play movies or music without a network and without having to store them on your device.

DUO-Link M has a standard USB interface and a lightning connector for iOS Devices and can use to free up spaces on iPhone or iPad. Users can also play music or video directly from the drive. It offers faster and more convenient file transfers without dealing with the hassle of bulky cables or wireless / PC connection. PNY's DUO-Link M compatible with Apple lighting integrated and Type-A USB 2.0 connectors for sharing and storing content in iOS devices, which connects easily to MAC, PC or any Apple devices enable one's to access and transfer the files in seconds.


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