ASRock unveiled a pair of motherboards based on AMD A4-5000 "Kabini" quad-core SoCs, to compete with Intel Celeron "Braswell" based solutions. These include the mini-ITX QC5000M-ITX/PH, and the micro-ATX QC5000M. Both boards use passive metal heatsinks to cool the SoC, and are largely identical in their feature-sets, with the only exception being the QC5000M offers two additional PCI-Express 2.0 x1 slots. The boards draw power from 24-pin ATX power connectors. The SoC is wired to two DDR3 DIMM slots. Display outputs include D-Sub and HDMI. Among its modern connectivity options are 6-channel HD audio with ELNA capacitors, gigabit Ethernet, and a pair of USB 3.0 ports. The company didn't reveal pricing.
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