Ahead of its launch, pictures of ECS Liva mini-PC were posted by the Japanese media. Designed to take on the likes of Intel NUC (Atom) and Gigabyte Brix, the Liva runs Intel's "Bay Trail-M" SoC, which allows a great deal of cost-cutting, and lets it make the Liva fan-less. A big metal-ridge heatsink cools the SoC. The compact system board has a great deal of onboard connectivity, including D-Sub and HDMI display outputs; gigabit Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB 3.0, and stereo HD audio. The board comes with its own 2 GB of DDR3L onboard RAM, and 32 GB of eMMC storage. Measuring 118 mm x 70 mm x 56 mm, the Liva weighs in at 190 g. It's expected to be priced under $200.
Sources: PC Watch Impress, FanlessTech
Sources: PC Watch Impress, FanlessTech
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