четверг, 31 марта 2016 г.
Intel Xeon E5-2600 v4 Broadwell-EP Review
Підсумки вікторини на честь 15-річчя оператора Інтертелеком
Шановні читачі IT-порталу! За два тижні проведення конкурсу від 3G-оператора «Інтертелеком» в період з 16.03.2016 по 30.03.2016 багато із вас отримали можливість ознайомитися з її діяльністю за досить значні для IT-індустрії 15 років існування. Слід зазначити, що питання вікторини виявилися непростими, оскільки тільки 157 учасників із 1940 відповіли правильно. Сервіс дозволив нам визначити трійку фіналістів, яким і дістануться обіцяні призи.
(PR) Dell Announces VR-Ready Precision Workstations
Dell today announced new Virtual Reality-ready solutions that feature refined criteria for optimal VR experience, whether consuming or creating VR content. Dell has defined VR-ready solutions by three criteria:
- Minimum CPU, memory, and graphics requirements to support optimal VR viewing experiences;
- Graphics drivers that are qualified to work reliably with these solutions; and,
- Passing performance tests conducted by Dell using test criteria based on HMD (head-mounted display) suppliers, ISVs or 3rd party benchmarks where available.
Ігрова гарнітура HyperX Cloud Revolver надійде у продаж на початку травня
Уже з першого квітня стартують попередні замовлення на нову ігрову гарнітуру HyperX Cloud Revolver. У продажі ж вона з'явиться дев'ятого травня. Новинка поєднує в собі стильний зовнішній вигляд, комфортну та надійну конструкцію, а також високу якість відтворення й передачі аудіо.
(PR) MSI Announces the X99A GODLIKE Gaming Carbon Motherboard
MSI is proud to announce the world's ultimate GAMING motherboard, the X99A GODLIKE GAMING CARBON, is now available in stores. Besides being the pinnacle of GAMING in terms of performance and features, the new X99A GODLIKE GAMING CARBON also raises the bar higher in motherboard aesthetics. The CARBON motherboards full black color scheme featuring the improved Mystic Light RGB LEDs controlled through your smartphone, it combines flashiness with sophistication that is sure to make your pc stand out. Besides its strength and futuristic looks, carbon-fiber is also very light to represent the ultimate performance the new GODLIKE CARBON motherboard delivers. Last but not least, the new X99A GODLIKE GAMING motherboard is ready for next-generation Intel 'Broadwell-E(P)' processors.
The most powerful gaming solution in the world just got better. The X99A GODLIKE GAMING CARBON Edition motherboard features the improved Mystic Light RGB LED feature, supporting up to 2048 colors and 8 LED effects to style your rig in any way possible. With Audio Boost 3 Pro, Killer DoubleShot-X3 Pro, Turbo M.2 connectivity, 2X Faster USB 3.1 Type-A & Type-C, the X99A GODLIKE GAMING CARBON Edition is the most powerful motherboard to serve you in battle. Besides gaming, the X99A GODLIKE GAMING motherboard already proved itself in the world's top overclocking ranks and carries a rich history of breaking world records inherited from MSI's legendary Overclocking motherboards.
The most powerful gaming solution in the world just got better. The X99A GODLIKE GAMING CARBON Edition motherboard features the improved Mystic Light RGB LED feature, supporting up to 2048 colors and 8 LED effects to style your rig in any way possible. With Audio Boost 3 Pro, Killer DoubleShot-X3 Pro, Turbo M.2 connectivity, 2X Faster USB 3.1 Type-A & Type-C, the X99A GODLIKE GAMING CARBON Edition is the most powerful motherboard to serve you in battle. Besides gaming, the X99A GODLIKE GAMING motherboard already proved itself in the world's top overclocking ranks and carries a rich history of breaking world records inherited from MSI's legendary Overclocking motherboards.
Seagate Innov8 – 8-терабайтний зовнішній накопичувач з інтерфейсом USB 3.1 Type-C
Компанія Seagate першою в світі представила зовнішній настільний 8-терабайтний накопичувач з живленням від USB-порта. Йдеться про модель Seagate Innov8, елегантний і стильний дизайн якої отримав престижну нагороду Reddot Design Award 2016.
Team Group Delta – серія продуктивної й ефектної DDR4-пам'яті
В першу чергу для геймерів і моддерів, яким важливий не лише рівень продуктивності, але й зовнішній вигляд пристроїв, що купуються, компанія Team Group представила нову серію оперативної DDR4-пам'яті - Team Group Delta.
Нові версії материнських плат Fujitsu D3313-S на основі SoC-процесорів AMD G-серії
Серія промислових материнських плат серії Fujitsu D3313-S поповнилася черговою новинкою - Fujitsu D3313-S6. Вона виконана у форм-факторі Mini-ITX і базується на високопродуктивному 4-ядерному SoC-процесорі AMD G-серії з тактовою частотою 2,4 ГГц. Завдяки цьому новинка стане хорошим вибором для створення рішень для роботи з графікою, а також, наприклад, для цифрових кіосків і медичної техніки.
Зручний і функціональний інтерфейс користувача LG UX 5.0
Одночасно з появою на ринку смартфона LG G5 компанія LG Electronics (LG) анонсує вихід нового інтерфейсу користувача - LG UX 5.0. Він розроблений на платформі ОС Android Marshmallow та пропонує користувачам інноваційні можливості і простір для гри.
Корпус Corsair Obsidian 750D Airflow Edition: обновленная версия крупногабаритного корпуса с широкими возможностями трансформации
(PR) Kingston Announces the HyperX Revolver Gaming Headset
HyperX, a division of Kingston Technology Company, Inc., the independent world leader in memory products, today announced HyperX Cloud Revolver, the newest addition to the Cloud headset range. It will ship May 9 and is available for pre-order on April 1 exclusively from Scan for two weeks and Amazon will be taking orders after that. HyperX Cloud Revolver proudly carries the Cloud name and reputation for great sound, comfort and durability.
It features a studio grade sound stage with 50mm directional drivers to deliver wider depth and width for improved audio precision in first-person shooter and open environment games. The tuning of the driver, mechanical design of the front acoustical chamber, larger ear cups and exhaust vents allow users to hear an opponent more clearly from further away and gain the ultimate competitive advantage. Music lovers will appreciate the concert hall-like experience when listening to their favourite tunes.
It features a studio grade sound stage with 50mm directional drivers to deliver wider depth and width for improved audio precision in first-person shooter and open environment games. The tuning of the driver, mechanical design of the front acoustical chamber, larger ear cups and exhaust vents allow users to hear an opponent more clearly from further away and gain the ultimate competitive advantage. Music lovers will appreciate the concert hall-like experience when listening to their favourite tunes.
(PR) Amped Wireless Intros ATHENA-EX 15,000 sq.ft AC2600 Wi-Fi Range Extender
Amped Wireless, the leading manufacturer of high power, long range wireless solutions for the home and office, is breaking new barriers with the industry's first High Power AC2600 Wi-Fi Range Extender with MU-MIMO, the ATHENA-EX. This one of a kind Extender is capable of enhancing the performance of any router by delivering up to 15,000 sq ft of blazing fast, additional coverage. Multiple users will now be able to stream, download and surf from the furthest reaches of a home or office without their devices battling for bandwidth.
The ATHENA-EX is the most powerful range extender available today and is designed for multi-device environments. Built with a powerful Dual-Core Processor, 16 high power amplifiers, and 4 high gain antennas, the ATHENA-EX expands the range of any standard Wi-Fi router by repeating the signal and pushing that extended signal out to cover a new, larger area with reliable Wi-Fi. Incredibly fast AC2600 Wi-Fi provides up to 2.53 Gbps, making lag and buffering nightmares of the past. With the power, coverage and bandwidth of this Extender, everyone can stream, download and play at once - on all of their devices.
The ATHENA-EX is the most powerful range extender available today and is designed for multi-device environments. Built with a powerful Dual-Core Processor, 16 high power amplifiers, and 4 high gain antennas, the ATHENA-EX expands the range of any standard Wi-Fi router by repeating the signal and pushing that extended signal out to cover a new, larger area with reliable Wi-Fi. Incredibly fast AC2600 Wi-Fi provides up to 2.53 Gbps, making lag and buffering nightmares of the past. With the power, coverage and bandwidth of this Extender, everyone can stream, download and play at once - on all of their devices.
(PR) QNAP Launches 4-bay TBS-453A M.2 SSD NASbook
QNAP Systems, Inc. today released the world's first M.2 SSD-based NAS - the TBS-453A NASbook. Featuring a quad-core Intel processor and using M.2 SSDs for storage, the TBS-453A not only provides full NAS functionalities with RAID protection in an ultra-compact size, but can also act as a physical network switch and share network access with multiple users. With its compact, near-silent design, dual HDMI output, and 4K display, the TBS-453A NASbook can fit in anywhere to boost the productivity and connectivity of small offices.
"M.2 SSDs are now used in thin-and-light laptops and small-form-factor PCs. Remarkably small in size, they deliver high performance with zero noise and are expected to become more affordable as they become more popular," said Jason Hsu, Product Manager of QNAP, adding "In light of M.2 SSD's benefits, we are proud to present the industry-first TBS-453A M.2 SSD NASbook to provide users with a portable yet versatile NAS."
"M.2 SSDs are now used in thin-and-light laptops and small-form-factor PCs. Remarkably small in size, they deliver high performance with zero noise and are expected to become more affordable as they become more popular," said Jason Hsu, Product Manager of QNAP, adding "In light of M.2 SSD's benefits, we are proud to present the industry-first TBS-453A M.2 SSD NASbook to provide users with a portable yet versatile NAS."
Огляд і тестування материнської плати GIGABYTE GA-Z170-Gaming K3
Одна із найдоступніших ігрових моделей в арсеналі тайванської компанії, виконана у форматі ATX і оснащена флагманським чіпсетом, спеціалізованим ігровим мережевим контролером Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2201, якісною звуковою підсистемою та рядом фірмових особливостей.
10-дюймовый планшет Huawei MediaPad M2 10.0: конкурент нового iPad Pro?
Перші локальні додатки для Samsung Gear S2
Наприкінці 2015 року стартував конкурс «Українське всередині», у рамках якого всі бажаючі могли розробити власні програми для смарт-годинника Samsung Gear S2 і подати їх на розгляд компетентним журі. Участь у конкурсі взяли понад 400 розробників, у число яких ввійшли як досвідчені фахівці, так і починаючі девелопери. У якості мотивації їм було запропоновано поборотися за цінні призи.
среда, 30 марта 2016 г.
Огляд і тестування промислового ПК Fujitsu Evaluation Kit D3313-S4
Готові набори комплектуючих для побудови промислових комп#039;ютерів: кому і навіщо потрібні такі рішення, а найголовніше − чи варті вони своїх грошей?
(PR) JEDEC Publishes Universal Flash Storage (UFS) Removable Card Standard
JEDEC Solid State Technology Association, the global leader in the development of standards for the microelectronics industry, today announced the publication of JESD220-2 Universal Flash Storage (UFS) Card Extension Standard. The new removable memory card standard standardizes functionality that aligns with the popular UFS embedded device standard. JESD220-2 is available for free download from the JEDEC website.
UFS is a high performance interface designed for use in computing and mobile systems such as smart phones and tablets where power consumption needs to be minimized. Its high speed serial interface and optimized protocol enable significant improvements in throughput and mobile system performance. The new UFS card standard provides a leading-edge removable storage solution while maintaining sequential and random IOPS performance that is critical for future mobile markets. Even using a single lane the UFS 1.0 card offers 600 MB/s interface speed in both directions and a state-of-the-art queuing mechanism to further increase system throughput.
UFS is a high performance interface designed for use in computing and mobile systems such as smart phones and tablets where power consumption needs to be minimized. Its high speed serial interface and optimized protocol enable significant improvements in throughput and mobile system performance. The new UFS card standard provides a leading-edge removable storage solution while maintaining sequential and random IOPS performance that is critical for future mobile markets. Even using a single lane the UFS 1.0 card offers 600 MB/s interface speed in both directions and a state-of-the-art queuing mechanism to further increase system throughput.
(PR) Seagate Launches World's First USB-Powered Desktop Hard Drive with Innov8
Seagate Technology plc, a world leader in storage solutions, today announced the launch of Seagate Innov8, the world's first USB-powered desktop hard drive. Seagate Innov8 features innovation from the inside out with its industry-leading 8 TB capacity, trend-setting Ignition Boost Technology and expressive design.
There is still an abundance of consumer electronics that require an external power supply, placing a premium on power outlets. With advancements in USB 3.1 technology, major manufacturers like Apple are beginning to rely on one connection-type for everything. Today, with the introduction of Seagate's new Ignition Boost Technology, Innov8 is the world's first 8 TB desktop hard drive that does not need to be plugged into a power outlet. Similar to a standard car requiring a battery kick to start the engine, Ignition Boost together with USB 3.1 enables Innov8 to thrive off bus power. No dedicated power source or adapter required.
What's more, Innov8 features industry-leading capacity with Seagate's 8 TB HDD. Now users simply plug in the reversible USB-C cable and have access to a lifetime of data - including more than two million songs, four million photos and eight hundred HD Movies.
There is still an abundance of consumer electronics that require an external power supply, placing a premium on power outlets. With advancements in USB 3.1 technology, major manufacturers like Apple are beginning to rely on one connection-type for everything. Today, with the introduction of Seagate's new Ignition Boost Technology, Innov8 is the world's first 8 TB desktop hard drive that does not need to be plugged into a power outlet. Similar to a standard car requiring a battery kick to start the engine, Ignition Boost together with USB 3.1 enables Innov8 to thrive off bus power. No dedicated power source or adapter required.
What's more, Innov8 features industry-leading capacity with Seagate's 8 TB HDD. Now users simply plug in the reversible USB-C cable and have access to a lifetime of data - including more than two million songs, four million photos and eight hundred HD Movies.
Razer Ripsaw – зовнішня карта для запису й трансляції ігрового процесу за $179,99
Компанія Razer є відомим і визнаним авторитетом у сфері продукції для геймерів. Новий її пристрій націлений на любителів запису й трансляції ігрового процесу. Мова йде про зовнішню карту Razer Ripsaw. Вона характеризується компактним і лаконічним зовнішнім виглядом, а також підтримкою базових інтерфейсів для підключення до ігрових консолей (Razer Forge TV, Sony PlayStation 4, Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo Wii U, Sony PlayStation 3 і Microsoft Xbox 360) або до ПК, даючи змогу передавати нестиснене відео з роздільною здатністю до 1080p.
AOC C2783FQ – 27” вигнутий монітор з Full HD-роздільністю
Багато користувачів замислюються про придбання вигнутого монітора, однак більшість з них позиціонується як топові рішення з відповідним цінником. Тому компанія AOC вирішила піти назустріч заощадливим користувачам і представила модель AOC C2783FQ.
Компактний міні-ПК ECS Live Station з функцією бездротової зарядки смартфонів
Стартували продажі міні-ПК ECS Live Station, який характеризується дуже цікавою можливістю. Він має вбудований у верхню кришку модуль бездротової зарядки смартфонів за стандартом Qi, що дуже зручно в процесі повсякденної експлуатації.
(PR) Aegis Secure Key 3.0 Announced with 480GB Capacity
Apricorn, the leading manufacturer of software-free, hardware-encrypted USB drives, added three new sizes to their already expansive Aegis Secure Key 3.0 line, raising the total number of capacity options to seven (8, 16, 30, 60, 120, 240, and 480 GB.) With last year's introduction of the 240GB Aegis Secure Key 3, Apricorn had already doubled the storage capacity of the nearest competitor. This year, Apricorn has again doubled down on that size advantage with their new 480GB Secure Key: roughly four times the competition's max size of 120GB. And with the falling cost of flash storage, these larger capacity, super secure hardware-encrypted flash keys have rapidly become the ideal tool for corporate data security deployment.
"This is our most advanced product to date; besides packing half a terabyte of encrypted data into a thumbdrive, we have expanded its feature set to surpass any rival," says Mike McCandless, Apricorn's VP of Sales and Marketing. "And keeping true to the Apricorn tradition, The ASK 3.0 is completely software-free, cross-platform compatible with any OS, and has embedded authentication so no security parameters are ever shared with the host."
"This is our most advanced product to date; besides packing half a terabyte of encrypted data into a thumbdrive, we have expanded its feature set to surpass any rival," says Mike McCandless, Apricorn's VP of Sales and Marketing. "And keeping true to the Apricorn tradition, The ASK 3.0 is completely software-free, cross-platform compatible with any OS, and has embedded authentication so no security parameters are ever shared with the host."
(PR) IBASE Announces the MI991 C236 Mini-ITX Socket LGA1151 Motherboard
IBASE Technology Inc. (TPEx: 8050), a world-leading manufacturer of industrial motherboards is releasing a new mini ITX motherboard, MI991, with a Socket H4 (LGA1151) socket and the Intel C236 chipset. System integrators can benefit from the MI991 equipped with space-saving compact configuration and rich I/O design for maximum flexibility.
IBASE MI991 supports up to three independent displays via Intel HD Graphics: DVI-D, HDMI, and DisplayPort, as well as DDR4 32GB limitation on two memory slots. It uses the more expensive Intel i211 controller instead of Realtek controllers for the motherboard alongside the Intel chipset i219 NIC device. Friendly features also include eight USB, four serial ports, four SATA III as well as two Mini PCI-E, an mSATA and a PCI-E(16x) expansion slot.
IBASE MI991 supports up to three independent displays via Intel HD Graphics: DVI-D, HDMI, and DisplayPort, as well as DDR4 32GB limitation on two memory slots. It uses the more expensive Intel i211 controller instead of Realtek controllers for the motherboard alongside the Intel chipset i219 NIC device. Friendly features also include eight USB, four serial ports, four SATA III as well as two Mini PCI-E, an mSATA and a PCI-E(16x) expansion slot.
Видеокамера Canon Legria HF G40: обновленная версия известной HF G30
(PR) Team Group Announces the Delta Line of DDR4 Memory Modules
Team Group Inc., the world's leading memory brand, today announced the launch of the all new generation of luminous memory for gaming - Delta. Stability and performance are already the basic requirement for a high speed memory. With the ever growing gamers and modders, the appearance and the visual features of the product has become the new focus of gamers' attention. The all new Delta series from Team Group has inherited the excellence of Team Group's overclocking and mainstream memories. In addition, through the recent coalition with AVEXIR, we are able to combine its patented LED lighting technology with our aluminum forged high-efficiency heat spreader to create Delta, a bionic memory with pulse-like LED light effect.
Delta is Team Group's first visual style memory. It is using the exclusive LED luminous cooling system to provide a steady pulse rhythm and soothe gamer's nervous tension during an intense game, so the gamer is able to win with an optimum state. To satisfy gamers' demand for high performance memories, Delta releases two high specification memories, DDR4 2400 CL15-15-15-35 and DDR4 3000 CL16-16-16-36. And it also offers two packages, 4GBx2 and 8GBx2 for gamers to choose from. With computer modding trend on the rise around the globe, Delta is not only gamer's best companion, its red and black heat spreader design with breathing LED light in three colors of red, white and blue also provide modders more options to build various styles of PC.
Delta is Team Group's first visual style memory. It is using the exclusive LED luminous cooling system to provide a steady pulse rhythm and soothe gamer's nervous tension during an intense game, so the gamer is able to win with an optimum state. To satisfy gamers' demand for high performance memories, Delta releases two high specification memories, DDR4 2400 CL15-15-15-35 and DDR4 3000 CL16-16-16-36. And it also offers two packages, 4GBx2 and 8GBx2 for gamers to choose from. With computer modding trend on the rise around the globe, Delta is not only gamer's best companion, its red and black heat spreader design with breathing LED light in three colors of red, white and blue also provide modders more options to build various styles of PC.
Мясорубка Philips Progresso Collection HR2745: дорогое и многофункциональное решение для дома
Універсальний 15,6-дюймовий моноблок MSI Pro 16 Flex
Моноблок MSI Pro 16 Flex позиціонується в якості хорошого рішення для розважальних, навчальних або комерційних цілей. Він досить компактний завдяки 15,6-дюймовому екрану, тому не займе багато місця, а функціональна підставка дозволить розмістити його в різних положеннях для максимально зручного використання.
Ігрова мишка Corsair M65 PRO RGB з передовим оптичним сенсором
У першу чергу для любителів і професіоналів FPS-ігор компанія Corsair випустила нову мишку - Corsair M65 PRO RGB. Її легка та міцна конструкція створена з авіаційного алюмінію й оптимізована під правшу. Усередині ж встановлений передовий оптичний сенсор з максимальною роздільною здатністю 12 000 DPI. А на лівій бічній стороні найбільш зручне місце відведене кнопці для снайперського пострілу: вона дозволяє миттєво встановити потрібну роздільність для прицільних дій.
Смартфон Xiaomi Redmi 3 Pro: $138 за 3 ГБ ОЗП, дактилоскопічний сканер і ємний акумулятор
На початку січня поточного року компанія Xiaomi приємно здивувала користувачів і неприємно шокувала конкурентів, випустивши смартфон Xiaomi Redmi 3. За дуже скромну ціну в $106 він пропонує 5-дюймовий HD-екран, 8-ядерний процесор Qualcomm Snapdragon 616, 2 ГБ оперативної та 16 ГБ постійної пам'яті, слот microSD, ємний акумулятор (4100 мА·год) і дві камери (5 Мп і 13 Мп).
Процессоры Intel Celeron N3150 и Pentium J2900 против Pentium 3805U: тестируем производительность, энергопотребление и энергоэффективность Braswell, Bay Trail и Broadwell
(PR) Kingston Digital Releases New microSD for Action Cameras
Kingston Digital, Inc., the Flash memory affiliate of Kingston Technology Company, Inc., the independent world leader in memory products, today announced its microSD Action Camera UHS-I U3 (Speed Class 3) card. Its rugged performance and form factor make this microSD ideal for most action cameras including GoPro* and drones.
Featuring speeds of up to 90 MB/s read and 45 MB/s write, the new microSD Action Camera card captures life's every day adventures. The sustained performance allows outdoor enthusiasts to shoot in 4K or even 240 frames per second. It is available now in 16 GB and 32 GB capacities (64 GB ships next month) and can perform in any environment as it is waterproof, shock proof, X-ray proof and temperature proof. An optional SD card adapter lets users quickly and easily view footage on a PC, notebook or media reader.
Featuring speeds of up to 90 MB/s read and 45 MB/s write, the new microSD Action Camera card captures life's every day adventures. The sustained performance allows outdoor enthusiasts to shoot in 4K or even 240 frames per second. It is available now in 16 GB and 32 GB capacities (64 GB ships next month) and can perform in any environment as it is waterproof, shock proof, X-ray proof and temperature proof. An optional SD card adapter lets users quickly and easily view footage on a PC, notebook or media reader.
(PR) EVGA Announces the SC17 Gaming Notebook
Introducing the first ever laptop that is 100% designed in house by EVGA, the EVGA SC17 Gaming Laptop. This new 4K ready, high performance laptop was meticulously created from the ground up for the hardcore gamer, performance enthusiast, and even overclocker. No shortcuts here. It all starts with power, an in house EVGA designed power supply with a new unique form factor helps deliver up to 240 watts of power when needed, without compromising battery life.
An Intel Core i7 6820HK CPU that is unlocked and capable of being overclocking to 3800 MHz and beyond, combined with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M, also capable of being overclocked, lets you get the performance you always wanted from a gaming laptop. Did we mention that the EVGA SC17 Gaming Laptop is built for overclocking? A FULL GUI BIOS with full mouse control gives you complete control over all aspects of performance, voltage and advanced settings right at your fingertips. Not to mention, a Clear CMOS button directly on the chassis, this is the world's first TRUE overclocking laptop.
An Intel Core i7 6820HK CPU that is unlocked and capable of being overclocking to 3800 MHz and beyond, combined with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M, also capable of being overclocked, lets you get the performance you always wanted from a gaming laptop. Did we mention that the EVGA SC17 Gaming Laptop is built for overclocking? A FULL GUI BIOS with full mouse control gives you complete control over all aspects of performance, voltage and advanced settings right at your fingertips. Not to mention, a Clear CMOS button directly on the chassis, this is the world's first TRUE overclocking laptop.
(PR) Streacom, HWBOT and OverClocking-TV Team Up to Develop the Open Benchtable
Streacom is delighted to announce its involvement in forming the Open Benchtable Project, joining with OverClocking-TV and HWBOT to create an open, community-developed benchtable that towers above current offerings in terms of portability, esthetics and general design. The first prototypes of the Open Benchtable design, manufactured by Streacom and referred to as the 'Special HWBOT World Tour Edition', will be used by overclockers during OC Workshops and contests throughout the World Tour, including forthcoming events in Europe and North America.
"We are excited to bring the HWBOT World Tour Edition benchtable with us on the World Tour, giving us a chance to expose our latest design to the global OC community," commented Timothée Pineau, head of Project Development at HWBOT and VP of OverClocking-TV. "We are confident that overclockers of all levels and abilities will be impressed and appreciate the portable design and open nature of the Open Benchtable project."
"We are excited to bring the HWBOT World Tour Edition benchtable with us on the World Tour, giving us a chance to expose our latest design to the global OC community," commented Timothée Pineau, head of Project Development at HWBOT and VP of OverClocking-TV. "We are confident that overclockers of all levels and abilities will be impressed and appreciate the portable design and open nature of the Open Benchtable project."
System Builder Marathon Q1 2016: $1232 Prosumer PC
вторник, 29 марта 2016 г.
Відеокарта ASUS Radeon R7 250 (R7250-2GD5) з підтримкою технології AUTO-EXTREME
На даний момент бюджетний сегмент ринку графічних адаптерів компанії AMD представляє лінійка AMD Radeon R7 200. Тому особливого подиву дебют моделі ASUS Radeon R7 250 (R7250-2GD5) не викликає. Вона побудована на основі графічного чипа AMD Oland XT і оснащена підтримкою 2 ГБ GDDR5-пам'яті, тому зможе використовуватися навіть невимогливими геймерами.
Компактна материнська плата MSI H110I PRO AC з підтримкою бездротового інтерфейсу
Нова материнська плата MSI H110I PRO AC позиціонується як універсальна та надійна модель, яка відмінно впишеться до складу домашньої чи робочої системи. Вона виконана у форматі Mini-ITX, тому не потребує просторих і громіздких корпусів, надаючи натомість чудовий арсенал можливостей.
Смартфони Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) і Galaxy J5 (2016) анонсовані офіційно
Офіційний китайський сайт компанії Samsung пролив світло на нові смартфони Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) і Galaxy J5 (2016), розмови про які вже деякий час циркулюють в інтернеті. Обидві новинки можуть похвалитися якісними Super AMOLED-екранами (5,5" Full HD і 5,2" HD відповідно), 16 ГБ постійної пам'яті, двома камерами (5 і 13 Мп) і ємними акумуляторами (3300 і 3100 мА·год відповідно).
(PR) ASUSTOR Announces the AS3202T and AS3204T NAS Servers
ASUSTOR Inc., a leading innovator and provider of network storage solutions, has announced the launch of two economical entry-level multimedia NAS devices in the AS3202T and AS3204T. This new series of devices utilizes the newest generation Intel Celeron 1.6GHz quad-core processors and are equipped with 2GB of dual-channel memory along with support for Intel AES-NI encryption instructions. This allows the devices to use hardware encryption technology to increase the overall performance and access speeds to large amounts of encrypted data while also satisfying user needs for high performance storage, backup, remote access and security.
The AS3202T and AS3204T both provide a rich variety of connection interfaces allowing users to connect various peripheral devices to the NAS to expand functionality. The HDMI port and infrared receiver can be paired with the ASUSTOR Portal App and official ASUSTOR remote control to turn the NAS into a multimedia player and hub that is as easy to operate as a TV. Also worth mentioning, is that the AS3202T and AS3204T both feature a stylish modern diamond plate finished exterior which allows it to seamlessly fit into users' living rooms and be used in combination with existing Hi-Fi home entertainment systems. Users can centrally store all of their digital multimedia on the NAS (photos, music, movies) and play it all back on demand, enjoying a comprehensive home multimedia experience.
The AS3202T and AS3204T both provide a rich variety of connection interfaces allowing users to connect various peripheral devices to the NAS to expand functionality. The HDMI port and infrared receiver can be paired with the ASUSTOR Portal App and official ASUSTOR remote control to turn the NAS into a multimedia player and hub that is as easy to operate as a TV. Also worth mentioning, is that the AS3202T and AS3204T both feature a stylish modern diamond plate finished exterior which allows it to seamlessly fit into users' living rooms and be used in combination with existing Hi-Fi home entertainment systems. Users can centrally store all of their digital multimedia on the NAS (photos, music, movies) and play it all back on demand, enjoying a comprehensive home multimedia experience.
(PR) Corsair Unveils the M65 PRO RGB Gaming Mouse with 12,000 dpi Sensor
Corsair, a leader in high-performance gaming hardware, today announced the immediate availability of the new M65 PRO RGB gaming mouse. Equipped with an advanced 12,000 dpi optical sensor, revolutionary surface calibration tuning utility and high-precision switches, the M65 PRO RGB builds on the original Corsair M65's legacy for durability and comfort while adding the latest in mouse sensor and customisation technology.
Corsair's new M65 PRO RGB is a competition-grade FPS gaming mouse with the technology you need to win, the flexibility to make it your own, and the build quality to last. The high-accuracy 12,000 dpi optical sensor provides pixel-precise tracking and the advanced surface calibration support offers supreme responsiveness for your playing surface. An aircraft-grade aluminum chassis provides low weight and high durability, and with the dedicated sniper button, take advantage of on-the-fly dpi switching to instantly match mouse speed to gameplay demands for extreme accuracy.
Corsair's new M65 PRO RGB is a competition-grade FPS gaming mouse with the technology you need to win, the flexibility to make it your own, and the build quality to last. The high-accuracy 12,000 dpi optical sensor provides pixel-precise tracking and the advanced surface calibration support offers supreme responsiveness for your playing surface. An aircraft-grade aluminum chassis provides low weight and high durability, and with the dedicated sniper button, take advantage of on-the-fly dpi switching to instantly match mouse speed to gameplay demands for extreme accuracy.
(PR) MSI Announces the Pro 16 Flex All-in-One Desktop
MSI is excited to announce the release of an all-new All-in-One PC, suitable for both commercial industries and home entertainment usage: the MSI Pro 16 Flex. The MSI Pro 16 Flex is a 10-point touch controlled All-in-One PC that can be used in a stand mode, hanging mode or flat mode. The Pro 16 Flex's unique rotating kickstand can be flipped back 90 degrees to act as an upright stand for use as an All-in-One PC or attached to wall or cabinet for use as a large multimedia device. It comes with a 15.6" LED backlit display and inherited the stylish design of MSI's Professional Series of All-in-One PCs, with a black border and hair-line surface treatment.
The Pro 16 Flex may be 15.6" inch in size, but is equipped with desktop hardware, making it a portable but also a high performance PC. Based on a 6-Watt Quad Core Processor by Intel, this All-in-One PC delivers decent computing power while saving energy at the same time. In addition, the Pro 16 Flex has also a built in battery to make sure your system is always powered when you need it. On top of that, the Pro 16 Flex is fan-less, which creates a silent working environment. General availability is expected beginning of April 2016.
The Pro 16 Flex may be 15.6" inch in size, but is equipped with desktop hardware, making it a portable but also a high performance PC. Based on a 6-Watt Quad Core Processor by Intel, this All-in-One PC delivers decent computing power while saving energy at the same time. In addition, the Pro 16 Flex has also a built in battery to make sure your system is always powered when you need it. On top of that, the Pro 16 Flex is fan-less, which creates a silent working environment. General availability is expected beginning of April 2016.
Everything We Know About Intel's Skylake Platform
Смартфон Alcatel OneTouch Go Play: недорогой молодежный аппарат с защитой от ударов, воды и пыли
AMD Preparing to Drop 32-bit Support for Radeon Drivers?
Is AMD planning to retire driver support for 32-bit Windows? A bulk of the company's Radeon R9 and Fury series GPUs feature 4 GB or more of video memory, and 64-bit Windows users making up the overwhelming majority, the company has begun steering users away from using 32-bit Windows altogether. We got whiff of this when we visited AMD's Drivers + Download Center on the company website, and tried clicking on the "32-bit" links of some of its Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 drivers, which redirected to an ominously-worded AMD knowledge-base article (Article #GPU-622).
This knowledge-base article, intended for people looking for 32-bit drivers, reads:
This knowledge-base article, intended for people looking for 32-bit drivers, reads:
A system running Microsoft Windows 10 64 Bit can take full advantage of the advanced visual and performance features of these graphics cards. However, AMD also provides 64 Bit drivers for Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Windows 7 to accomodate those users who choose to use an older Microsoft Operating System.
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