четверг, 31 июля 2014 г.
7 Conservative Alternatives to the Internet's Most Popular Sites
ReaganBook—the hip, social-networkin' conservative's answer to Facebook that popped up not even a week ago—is dead. After being flooded with pornography and profanities of all sorts, the "Facebook for Patriots" was forced to shutter its doors. But don't worry. There are still plenty of places where the internet-minded neocons among us can feel right at home.
Sacred 3: рецензия
Выход долгожданного продолжения — торжество двух чувств: радости и страха. Казалось бы, вот она — желанная новинка, и ничто не может омрачить впечатление от свидания, но сомнения остужают пыл: а что, если игра уже не та? Серия Sacred не стала открытием игростроения, поэтому эпитет «долгожданный» не очень к месту, но на фоне летней засухи релизов даже такому гостю можно обрадоваться.
A Flashlight That's Powered By the Sun (Or Your Strength)
Is there anything scarier than the thought of being out in the woods at night with a dead flashlight? Of course there is; your smartphone could be dead too. That's why GoalZero's latest flashlight, the Torch 250, can be recharged with a built-in solar panel, or simply your muscles using a pop-out hand crank.
Inside the Radical Redesign of the Country's Largest Retailer: USPS
With more than 30,000 locations operating today, the United States Postal Service is still the largest retail network in the US. It's also an embattled institution that's struggling to stay afloat. That's why last year, it enlisted a small design studio to overhaul its look completely. Here's what they came up with.
Dad Builds Kids a NASA Simulator That Would Make Chris Hadfield Jealous
Remember that fridge box you turned into a rocket ship as a kid, complete with crayon-drawn control panels and a fancy sparkle glue paint job? Yeah, that was an embarrassment to our nation compared to this NASA simulator that Jeff Highsmith designed and built for his sons.
This Working Steam Engine Is the Size of an Apartment Block
The world's largest functioning triple-expansion steam engine is an unbelievably massive beast of a machine. For 77 years, the 62-foot-high engine—weighing in at 1,000 tons!—powered gigantic flywheels and crankshafts that pumped millions upon millions of gallons of water from west to north London. It was decommissioned in 1980, but brought back to fully-functioning life by a team of retired volunteers who care for the oversized apparatus like it's one of their own.
There Are Cells Inside Teeth That Can Turn Back Into Stem Cells
Inside each of our hard, calcified teeth is a small population of living stem cells that can differentiate into many types of tissue. The origin of those stem cells has long been unknown, but scientists may now have a completely surprising answer: Cells of the nervous system can migrate into the middle of a tooth and actually turn back into stem cells. If verified, this could be a possible new source for stem cells.
How Hollywood Just Saved Motion Picture Film From Death
These days, almost everything you watch on TV and in theaters is shot digitally. But because Hollywood still needs film sometimes, the the biggest motion picture companies in the world are banding together to keep the lights on in Kodak's Rochester motion picture film plant.
Los Angeles Is Fighting the UCLA Flood with a Giant Inflatable Pipe Plug
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